Jonathan Burke's Horse Racing Insights: A new Chapter at Fergal O’Brien

Jonathan Burke's Horse Racing Insights: A new Chapter at Fergal O’Brien

Exciting racing times ahead for CopyBet brand ambassador Jonathan Burke

After a successful and action-packed few months of racing, we caught up with Irish jockey and CopyBet brand ambassador Jonathan Burke as he prepares for to move into a new trainer's yard.

You’re now part of Fergal O’Brien’s stable of jockeys. Can you tell us how that came about?

Yeah the great Paddy Brennan retired at the end of the season and that left a bit of a gap to be filled and happily for me it was an opportunity that came my way. A big opportunity and one that I couldn’t look past given the numbers involved and the quality of the horses. I’m really looking forward to getting going with them once the summer passes.

In terms of your summer schedule, how's that looking?

Fergal has over 100 horses on the go in the winter but still at least 50 in action during the summer months too. So it’s a busier schedule than what I’m used to. I haven’t previously ridden too much in the summer in past seasons. That’s not been out of a deliberate choice on my behalf, more just because the trainers I’ve ridden for haven’t had a great deal of summer horses.

So yeah it’s a different schedule now that I’m with Fergal and it’s an exciting change.

Are there any horses in his yard that you’re particularly looking forward to riding?

There’s a few that stand out. Dysart Enos and Tripoli Flyer would be two of them. And Crambo as well, a horse that I've already had a number of rides on and one that I've got a great connection with.

And there’s a nice young horse who ran a few bumpers last year called Oak Grove, owned by Chris Giles. He’s a lovely jumper. They’d be a few to mention but I suppose in the bigger picture it’s really the strength in numbers that is the big thing for me.

Have your objectives changed for next season following the move and what are the main differences now in a new yard?

Yeah I suppose they have. Most seasons I’d be looking at it ahead of time and aiming to ride 50 winners in the season. That would be a good outcome. Now all of a sudden I’ve got an influx of horses and potential rides that I didn’t have before, so it should bulk up the numbers. If it doubled that would be great, you know, one day to be able to ride 100 winners in a season.

But first off it’s just about getting to know things really and getting to know how Fergal likes things done. And just enjoying it. I have ridden a bit for Fergal in the past so it’s not a complete flash in the pan. So the yard isn’t completely new but at the same time I’ve got to get to know how he likes things to be done and meet the owners and be in and around all that really. Hopefully it’s a partnership that’ll last many years.

Has there been more media interest in you as a result of this new role?

Yeah I guess there was initially. I mean I’ve got big boots to fill if you look at Paddy (Brennan’s) record, so there was a bit of media buzz around it. But now it’s more about letting the racing do the talking.

And finally, away from racing have you had much time to relax?

May is always busy but I managed to get out on the golf course for the first time this year last week. So looking forward to getting back out there again - even if I spent a lot of time in the bushes! It’s nice to get out and have a few hours away from other things and switch off.

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